Welcome to Gitxray

Gitxray (short for Git X-Ray) is a multifaceted security tool designed for use on GitHub repositories. It can serve many purposes, including OSINT and Forensics. gitxray leverages public GitHub REST APIs to gather information that would otherwise be very time-consuming to obtain manually. Additionally, it seeks out information in unconventional places.

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What is it for?

Getting started

Rate Limits and the GitHub API

Gitxray gracefully handles Rate Limits and can work out of the box without a GitHub API key, but you'll likely hit RateLimits pretty fast. This is detailed by GitHub in their documentation here. A simple read-only token created for PUBLIC repositories will however help you increase those restrictions considerably. If you're not in a hurry or can leave gitxray running you'll be able to use its full capacity, as it pauses execution while waiting for the limits to lift.


gitxray is provided under the terms and conditions of the GNU Affero GPL v3 License.