Installing Gitxray

gitxray was written with no use of external package dependencies other than the requests library.

PyPI (PIP) Way

gitxray is on PyPI and can be installed with:

pip install gitxray

Once installed, simply run gitxray from your command line by typing:

gitxray -o


gitxray -r

Installing from source

You may also run gitxray directly by cloning or downloading its GitHub repository and running:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src/
python3 -m gitxray.gitxray

Command Line Arguments

Required Arguments

One of the following must be specified:

  • -r, --repository [URL] - Specify a single repository URL to check. The URL must begin with https://. Example: --repository

  • -rf, --repositories-file [FILEPATH] - Provide a file path containing a list of repositories, each on a new line. The file must exist. Example: --repositories-file ./list_of_repos.txt

  • -o, --organization [URL] - Specify an organization URL to check all repositories under that organization. The URL must begin with https://. Example: --organization

Optional Arguments

You'll find these optional but very handy in common gitxray usage.

  • -l, --list - List contributors if a repository is specified or list repositories if an organization is specified. Useful for further focusing on specific entities. Example: --list

  • -c, --contributor [USERNAMES] - A comma-separated list of GitHub usernames to focus on within the specified repository or organization. Example: --contributor user1,user2

  • -f, --filters [KEYWORDS] - Comma-separated keywords to filter the results by, such as 'user_input', 'association', or 'mac'. Example: --filters user_input,association,mac

Verbose and Debug

  • -v, --verbose - Enable verbose output which, for example, provides a detailed list of public events instead of a summary. Example: --verbose

  • --debug - Enable Debug mode for a detailed and extensive output. Example: --debug

Output and Formats

  • -out, --outfile [FILEPATH] - Specify the file path for the output log. Cannot be a directory. Example: --outfile ./output.log

  • -outformat, --output-format [FORMAT] - Set the format for the log file. Supported formats are text and json. Default is text. Example: --output-format json